The water continues to have mid-August clarity and levels. The rain has not come to Pierce county except in spits and spatters this spring. Soil moisture is good and most fields have yet to be plowed. Stream water temps have hung in the low 40’s and fish seem to be active for only part of the day or in specific locations. Once again it is important to cover a lot of water to find the active fish. Midges are in the air and on the water. Pockets of top-water feeding are sporadic.
The first gallery school was a big success ending on a high note. A small plunge pool the size of a Volkswagen beetle held our attention for almost an hour. The anglers in the group managed to touch 12 fish in this small pool, each rotating through 4 times. Seven fish were landed. Search the site for the Gallery school and see how this new school format is conducted. If you and your friends would like to partake in a gallery school, e-mail me for available dates.
2 users commented in " Sunday Report "
Follow-up comment rss or Leave a TrackbackAndy,
Thank again for a great day out! Your teaching was invaluable and led to success that day. I’m now a Gallery School fan!
One update following the outing……
I came home after fishing a few more hours after the Gallery School. When I got home I changed my clothes, had some dinner and watched a movie with my wife. The next morning I had a sharp pain in my left arm. It was red and swollen and I could not remember injuring myself when we were out. I went into our kitchen to get an ice pack and discovered the source of my pain. I had a deer tick burried in my arm. It had caused a nice red ring around the area where it had went in.
After pulling the tick out I was concerned that I may have gotten lymes disease. I went to urgent care and had it looked over and they put me on an antibiotic just in case.
Very odd given that I was dressed in a long sleeve shirt and coat, but I must of had a hitchhiker. 🙂 Anyway….tick season is here despite the snow so be on the lookout!
Thanks Northhike
It was fun. Ticks suck…………….. Glad he was on your arm and you found him right away. For some reason they don’t seem to get on me often. Put my wife in the same spot though, and she will take home a dozen. Its crazy, she loves the outdoors and the ticks love her. I must taste bad.
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