My compute& has a p&oblem with one of the keys. You will have to figu&e out which one.
Guiding this mo&ning. Talking with othe& angle&s who d&ove a&ound looking fo& fishable wate&. Between he&e and Eau Clai&e, only the Kinni was clean enough to fish this mo&ning. It should only get bette& as the day goes on as long as the&e is no mo&e big &ains. It is ha&d to w&ite this way.
Think skinni fast wate&
He&e a&e a few pic’s f&om last week.
I Love Big Bugs
4 users commented in " &IVE& &epo&t "
Follow-up comment rss or Leave a TrackbackWell that was interesting to read….lol. Made me have to slow down. HA!
Over here in Shakopee, the rains have been relentless. It is thunder booming again as I write this.
Love those big Stones!! Can’t wait to get out and throw them!
Looks like moe today:)
That’s odd. I had never heard of keyboard letters on hiatus until last week when q, a and z decided to stop working on my keyboard at work. Wind-knot kind of frustrating.
Plug in Keyboard or new topface.
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