The rain just keeps coming, and everything is prospering! The rivers are full to the brim, and air and water temps are cooling. Their flows are strong and deep for this time of year and the heavy spring flow reflects full water tables. The corn and bean crops in Wisconsin will be record breaking without question. And the trout, the trout are becoming more active each day I am out on the water. The browns are gaining their beautiful fall spawning colors and by all standards look fat. Their fight is reckless and with a resolve different from summer’s battles. The bigger fish are also starting to show their lips again to the clouds of tricos that have come back to a valley neighborhood near you. Each outing there is still a sense of newness to the water causing me to move slower and look closer at my methods. It is all good. As I strive to get my last outings on the books for the 2010 inland trout season, I know that chopping wood, refinishing the exterior of my house and various other projects I would like to complete before the snow flies still hang over my head……………And staging at the mouth of a Lake Superior tributary the steelhead lurk. It is a short season and mostly unpredictable, but those trout will not leave my dreams. I hear them calling.
I have not posted recently, but the fishing has been good. The trout are eating in the morning. They are taking swinging flies and dead drifted flies. They are in the fast water and the deep water. They are eating in the afternoon and night. They are taking small flies and big flies. They know the winter is on its way and they must fatten up. Thanks to Duke and Dave for a memorable outing on the Kinni.
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