Sparkle Dun Trico (avaliable on line at Gray Goat)
Trico Duns are an important part of each day’s hatch cycle. Early in the morning as the females emerge the fish can key on these tiny duns. The males hatching the previous evening also play a roll in the world of duns and can be quite effective as the mating clouds begin to disperse. Many times I will use a dun pattern as the lead fly in a two fly combo. I usually fish the duns in one size larger than the naturals. The white wings make it a bit easier to see the location of your flies as they drift on the water. Here is an assortment of pictures of the best dun patterns I have found.

CDC Thorax Trico Dun (male)

AK Best Quill Body Dun (female)

CDC Comparadun Trico (male)

Bunny Dun (male)

Wonder Wing Para-Dun (female)

Wonder Wing Para-Dun (male)

AK Best Quill Body Parachute (female)

Harrop Last Chance Cripple

Harrop CDC Transitional Dun
3 users commented in " Trico Patterns/Duns #4 "
Follow-up comment rss or Leave a TrackbackLove the Wonder Wing idea Andy! Very neat.
Hi Andy,
Thanks for the flies! Fished them on Sunday and had a blast. You were right on the length of tippit and its diameter. It made the difference.
Thanks for all your help through the website and our guided trips. It has made a wonderful enhancement in my enjoyment of trout and fly.
Hope all is well and all are healthy,
Thanks for pulling these together – great tying reference.
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